Category: News

Fall 2024 Newsletter

fall leaves

Since the WFF HOA Annual Meeting in February, the board has met 4 times. One of the most important business matters we are dealing with over the summer is CTA Compliance mandated by the Corporate Transparency Act. CTA is a federal law that requires certain companies to file beneficial ownership information (BOI) reports with the …

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Spring 2024 Newsletter

maple tree in spring

Happy Spring to all—the snow is hopefully gone, and grass cutting season is upon us. Reminder–be sure to clean up grass clippings from the curb and keep our retention ponds clean. We are very pleased to report that the annual meeting of the HOA was a success, and we were able to vote for the …

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Fall 2023 Newsletter

Halloween candy

Since the WFF HOA Annual Meeting in February, the board has met 4 times. One of our most important accomplishments this summer was the final official filing of the Amended Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions for White Fence Farm.

Spring 2023 Newsletter

yellow tuplips

Happy Spring to all—the snow is hopefully gone, and grass cutting season is upon us. Reminder–be sure to clean up grass clippings from the curb and keep our retention ponds clean. We are very pleased to report that we did make quorum and we were able to vote for the Board of Directors. Current board …

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Fall 2022 Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We have a lot going on with the HOA with our long-awaited upgrade of our governing documents into the 21st century for our HOA. Before we address documents, we regret that Trish Euganeo has stepped down from the board. Trish began her service on the board in 2015 and assumed the role …

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Summer 2022 Newsletter

Sun shining through trees

Happy summer everyone! We have a lot going on with the HOA with our long-awaited upgrade of our governing documents into the 21st century for our HOA. Believe it or not, we had to have written legal language to allow for an HOA Board to communicate via electronic means! Hence the reason you were all …

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Spring 2021 Newsletter

grassy hills

Happy Spring! As we begin to emerge from our winter cocoons, let’s get caught up on what’s happening in our neighborhood. Read More by accessing the full newsletter below: Spring 2021 Newsletter

Under-water Aerators Installed in Pond


Under-water aerators were recently installed in the large retention pond to help alleviate algae buildup and improve the overall health of the pond.

Fall 2020 Newsletter


Happy Fall to everyone! Has anyone else baked their first pumpkin pie for the season? Ours was yummy. As far as I know, there will be ‘trick or treat’ in our area, unless Something changes between now and then. Please provide a safe way to distribute goodies. I know there are some clever people out …

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Owners Meetings Suspended Due to COVID-19

Park Closed Sign

We have heard from our legal counsel that ALL HOA / CONDO Associations in the state of OHIO have been granted a stay from the provisions of their governing documents’ directives regarding annual and board meetings due to the current health situation gripping the world.  With that said, our HOA will NOT be holding a …

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