Reserve Study 2020

In February 2020, a financial reserve study was conducted on behalf of the White Fence Farm HOA.

This reserve study is a physical and financial analysis of HOA common property that determines what components of common property will eventually require either major repairs or restoration, or complete replacement. Large, one-time contributions (special assessments) for these projects can be eliminated with development of a reserve fund through relatively smaller annual contributions. The physical analysis determines the existing quantities, conditions, useful lives and costs of the components. The financial analysis determines the reserves necessary to offset the future expenses.

Below are two documents to provide more information on this:

White Fence Farm Reserve Study – Summary

The full study document requires a password, which owners would have received via email. If you lost track of the password, please contact the board.

White Fence Farm Reserve Study – Full Document

Spring 2020 Newsletter

We hope you are safe and staying healthy. This is an unusual time for us all. We hope you are finding ways to shelter-in-place while finding ways to keep yourself engaged. If anyone needs support or help of any kind, please let us know. We will do our best to provide assistance. Also, please reach out to any neighbor you think might need support. As a close neighborhood, we need to support each other.

The Spring Newsletter is attached to this email. As we begin our spring chores around the yard, please be sure to clean out the street gutter area after cutting your grass. Street debris drains into our retention ponds and adds maintenance cost for the HOA. We are working with the Township as we move forward with some needed pond maintenance so any cooperation you can provide is appreciated.

All board member contact info is listed in the right banner area of the page. Feel free to contact any of us; do not hesitate to reach out if you need help!

Read More by accessing the full newsletter below:

Spring 2020 Newsletter